The average number of persons listening to a particular station for at least five minutes during a 15-minute period.
The AQH Persons estimate expressed as a percentage of the population being measured. This estimate is printed for the MSA and DMA. It can also be computed for the TSA.
The total number of different persons who tune to a radio station during the course of a daypart for at least five minutes.
The Cume Persons audience expressed as a percentage of all persons estimated to be in the specified demographic group.
The audience expressed as a percentage of the total population.
The percentage of those listening to radio in the Metro who are listening to a particular radio station.
The sum of the Average Quarter-Hour Persons audience for all spots in a given schedule.
The sum of all rating points achieved for a particular spot schedule.
The cost of reaching an Average Quarter-Hour Persons audience that's equivalent to one percent of the population in a given demographic group.
The cost of delivering 1,000 gross impressions.
The number of different persons who listen to only one station during the daypart reported.
The number of different persons reached in a given schedule. Real net reach is available through Maximi$er®, for single-station and multiple-station schedules.
The average number of times a person is exposed to a radio spot schedule.
An estimate of the number of quarter-hours the average person spends listening during a specified time period.
Includes a city (or cities) whose population is specified as that of the central city together with the county (or counties) in which it is located. The Metro also includes contiguous or additional counties when the economic and social relationships between the central and additional counties meet specific criteria. Arbitron Metros generally correspond to the Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) defined by the U.S. Government's Office of Management and Budget. They are subject to exceptions dictated by historical industry usage and other marketing considerations.
A geographic area that encompasses the Metro Survey Area and may include additional counties located outside the Metro which meet certain listening criteria to Metro-licensed stations.
The DMA is composed of sampling units (counties or geographically split counties) and is defined and updated annually by Nielsen Media Research, Inc., based on historical television viewing patterns. A county or split county is assigned exclusively to one DMA.
Arbitron reports radio listening estimates for the Top 50 DMAs (ranked on TV households) in the Radio Market Reports of all Standard radio markets whose Metros are located within the DMA and whose names are contained in the DMA name.